40 photos   4157 visits

0 Proofs 0

Enjoy them. <3
My shoes :)
My shoes :)
Poster -- 01
Poster -- 01
Poster -- 01
Poster -- 01
Shake It Up Proof -- 01
Shake It Up Proof -- 01
Shake It Up Proof -- 02
Shake It Up Proof -- 02
Bowling day #XD
Bowling day #XD
It`s okay guys...I found Nemo lol
It`s okay guys...I found Nemo lol
My baby :) <3
My baby :) <3
Leaving for the airport. You were beautiful South Carolina!
Leaving for the airport. You were beautiful South Carolina!
Surfing with my amigos #beachlife
Surfing with my amigos #beachlife
Shoutout to my biggest NYC fan @MiKex4 <3 dedication like yours makes me smile! thank u for these
Shoutout to my biggest NYC fan @MiKex4 <3 dedication like yours makes me smile! thank u for these
The world is at your feet and adventure lives at every corner
The world is at your feet and adventure lives at every corner

Comments • 3

DiiaxRebelGirl 23 April 2011  
Nice ..
xILYDedax 22 April 2011  
Aww. ILY Caroline :] ♥
xShakeItUp 22 April 2011  
I`m sure you`re Caroline Sunshine :)
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